Why 18 Days with Jack, the Rescued Senior Cat, Meant the Whole World

How long does it take to fall in love? For one rescuer, it took 18 days. That’s the full length of time Christina Ha spent with Jack, a senior kitty with an enlarged heart. But as she has experienced before, that short window of time with a senior kitty meant the world in countless ways. If you’ve ever considered adopting a senior cat, then you should read this! Or, maybe this story will be the reason you decide to adopt an older cat.

In late June, Ha’s Meow Parlour team took Jack home after his mom had no choice but to surrender him. It was no one’s fault. Unfortunately, she had to suddenly move into a nursing home. Being separated was heartbreaking for the kitty and his mom. And without someone to take him home, the ending of his story would have been so sad. Yet, thanks to Ha, his final days were spent giving and receiving love instead.

Christina Ha, Meow Parlour, New York, Jack, senior cat, 11-year-old kitty saved from the city shelter, tongue hangs out, 20-pound senior kitty, enlarged heart, shelter cage

Jack sits in a kennel. Images and media via Instagram/whiskerstowhiskers andMeow Parlour

Jack was 20 Pounds of Love

When they found Jack at the shelter, he was 20 pounds with a tongue that always hung out.

Christina Ha, Meow Parlour, New York, Jack, senior cat, 11-year-old kitty saved from the city shelter, tongue hangs out, 20-pound senior kitty, enlarged heart, tongue hanging out

On the way home for his ‘Freedom Ride,’ he became a “drooling, soiled mess!” Like many older cats, he had kidney disease and high liver values. But no matter what the cost, they knew he deserved a chance.

Christina Ha, Meow Parlour, New York, senior cat, 11-year-old kitty saved from the city shelter, tongue hangs out, 20-pound senior kitty, enlarged heart, with IV in the vet's office

A vet checking on ulcers inside his mouth luckily led to an ER visit where a cardiologist diagnosed his enlarged heart condition.

Christina Ha, Meow Parlour, New York, senior cat, 11-year-old kitty saved from the city shelter, tongue hangs out, 20-pound senior kitty, enlarged heart, 1

With multiple medications and constant care, he slowly recovered. Everyone quickly fell in love with the cuddly, sweet patient.

Christina Ha, Meow Parlour, New York, Jack, senior cat, 11-year-old kitty saved from the city shelter, tongue hangs out, 20-pound senior kitty, enlarged heart, man holds kitty

Jack Turned the Corner In a Loving Home

Meanwhile, Ha was traveling outside the country and couldn’t wait to finally meet Jack in person when she returned home. After two weeks with no eating, his health turned a corner for the better. Finally, he ate his first bites and was cleared to go home. There, he happily improved and busted loose from his isolation area, insisting on being with the family.

His appetite was back, and he was drinking water in the same spot a previous beloved senior kitty, Haku, had once preferred.

“As I wrote this, Jack got up and nudged me in the ribs with his enormous head before shuffling to Haku’s spot to drink water. It almost feels like he knew,” Ha wrote.

Christina Ha, Meow Parlour, New York, Jack, senior cat, 11-year-old kitty saved from the city shelter, tongue hangs out, 20-pound senior kitty, enlarged heart

Jack drinks water where 16-year-old Haku once liked to stand. See our previous story.

Of course, Jack’s tongue still lolled out. She joked that she might chart his mood by how far his tongue extended.

“Guess I’m going to have to start charting to see if Jack’s tongue length correlates to a particular mood. My current theory is that the more relaxed he is, the more it sticks out.”

You can see how they found Jack in the New York City shelter in the video below.

“Jack deserves no less than the best and we’re all rooting for him. ❤️


Happy Tears Watching Jack with a Kitten

In a heartwarming moment, Jack and a tiny rescued kitten, Pinto, cuddled together. The senior kitty tenderly bathed Pinto, whose weight may have equaled the weight of his heart alone. Ha cried happy tears as she watched “two lonely babies share a special moment together.”

Christina Ha, Meow Parlour, New York, senior cat, 11-year-old kitty saved from the city shelter, tongue hangs out, 20-pound senior kitty, enlarged heart, with Pinto the kitten

Jack bathes Pinto the kitten

Jack’s Story Shows Why Adopting Senior Cats Means the World!

The sweetest of moments with Pinto was bittersweet. Just a few days later, Jack unexpectedly crossed the Rainbow Bridge. In just 18 days, the family had fallen deeply in love with him. And they wouldn’t trade those special moments for the world.

“Jack’s presence filled the room, and it was undeniable that his big heart was filled with love,” she said.

It seemed Jack knew in some way that he was about to begin a new chapter. And now, we know he’ll be there waiting on the other side. Unfortunately, his former mom wasn’t able to be there for his final moments. Yet what an immeasurable relief to know that Jack spent his final days being loved and appreciated in a safe, comfortable hospice of ‘fospice home.’

That’s why rescuing senior cats, if only for a few days, can mean the whole world.

“For those who ask why we take in seniors it’s because their ending matters. Jack’s person couldn’t be with him to finish his story, and he didn’t deserve to die in a cage,” Christina Ha said.