Stray Kittens Born Without Eyelids Couldn’t Be Happier After Humans Saved Their Sight!

Meet Dora and her adorable brother Felix. These two adorable kittens were discovered wandering on the roadside in New South Wales, Australia, when a loving couple thankfully rescued them and took them in. Soon the couple realized that there was something very unusual about the kittens’ appearance!

They immediately brought Dora and Felix into RSPCA’s Blue Mountains shelter and after caretakers took a closer look, it became crystal clear – that the kittens were born without eyelids.

“Without corrective surgery, the kittens were likely to go blind within a year,” Patrick Jones of RSPCA NSW commented on his blog:

“Thanks to the amazing vets from the Eye Clinic for Animals (in Sydney), the surgery that Felix and Dora so desperately needed was made possible.”

Gratefully, the kittens came out of surgery with new eyelids and happy as can be.

Today, Dora and Felix are 9 months old and are still in need of a forever home.

“Their foster carer would love to see the pair adopted together, but they would also thrive on their own,” Jones went on to write.





